As a Brainstream tutor for GTAA (Georgia Tech Athletic Association), you are required to abide by NCAA rules. This module provides our rules and procedures in order to comply fully with NCAA guidelines.


Unauthorized Access: Possessing, using, or exchanging improperly acquired written or verbal information in the preparation of a problem set, laboratory report, essay, examination, or other academic assignment.

Our Response

Do not delete anything for the Lessonspace website. All pages must be kept in the Lessonspace. No messages can be deleted from the lesson space.

Each page should be labeled with the session date. 


Unauthorized Collaboration: Unauthorized interaction with another Student or Students in the fulfillment of academic requirements.

Our Response

During group sessions, tutors will restrict students from sharing information about graded assignments between one another.


Plagiarism: Submission of material that is wholly or substantially identical to that created or published by another person or persons, without adequate credit notations indicating the authorship.

Our Response

Tutors will not conduct any work on the behalf of athletes. They will not complete any graded assignments or regrades for their students.

Brainstream Response for NCAA guidelines.

  • Tutors cannot tutor someone he or she is currently dating or have ever dated. Please let Brainstream Tutoring know if you had a personal relationship with a Tutee and we will change your assignment. 
  • Tutors cannot tutor roommates or suitemates. 
  • Tutors cannot tutor someone with whom they have a “pre-existing friendship” or if they know them “socially.” This is defined as a friendship which includes exchanged gifts or meals.
  •  The tutor cannot accept a gift of any kind from someone they are tutoring:no meals, no drinks, no money, no complimentary tickets to any ND sporting event, no material items (e.g., flowers, candy, clothing, jewelry, books).
  • The tutor cannot give a gift of any kind to a student-athlete they are tutoring.
  •  A tutor cannot gamble on athletics. They cannot place nor accept bets, and they cannot give information to a bookie.